Under-confidence, physical ailments and working in a sometimes thankless job had me at a cross-roads. I was confronted with two options –  remain in my stable-income job yet feeling unfulfilled and sometimes under-appreciated, or take a leap of faith and work for an ethical and sustainable company, giving back to my community through charity work and giveaways.

Of course, this was an unsettling concept. The life I had known was working under employment for another, no changes to income and a never-changing work pattern, so making the leap into self-sustained success and becoming my own boss was a daunting prospect. 

The Body Shop at Home Gave Me My Life Back and More.

However it was time to adjust. It can be easy to focus on negatives, yet a thought occurred, ‘imagine all the positives?’. There is always a flip side to everything and attitude plays a major role. It’s flexible and works around myself & family. The opportunity to earn without a wage cap, the rewards and competitions plus connecting with like-minded people make it an exciting journey that I am so glad to be part of. I faced my fears and made the commitment and you know what? It paid off, big time. 

When I embarked on a journey with The Body Shop at Home, I had no idea what to expect, but with to-die-for incentives, rewards and freebies, hard work is never unrecognised. Earning money in a comfortable working environment, deciding when to have a cuppa and setting my own rules was something I never thought possible. 

“Old ways will not open new doors”

Since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and several other physical illnesses plus struggling with mental health, TBSAH has given me my freedom back. There would be many occasions where I felt judged for my inability to show to jobs or family/friends functions and events which left me feeling isolated and lonely. But since joining the Body Shop at Home, I have my independence back and am more in tune with my surroundings, an improved version of me for myself, daughter and husband.

Being able to be a consistent and positive role model for my daughter has given me a new lease of life. I wake up thinking of new opportunities to grasp, the new networks I will build and the inspiring people I will meet. It is without doubt the most generous business I have worked for, rewards and giveaways make you feel appreciated for your hard work. With exciting prospects, I’m rearing to go every morning – with a cuppa in hand of course!  

Now don’t get me wrong, feeling dubious at first and unsure of the ‘selling aspect’ of the business, I was slightly apprehensive. However, TBSAH is different in their approach, we’re not irritating the population of Facebook or filling inboxes with spammy emails, instead we take a much more wholesome approach by educating our audience on ethical and sustainable products. A good product will sell itself!

Animal rights, sustainable products, climate change and ethical work practices are all topics close to my heart. Learning that The Body Shop prides itself on these current affair issues, a gut feeling told me this was going to be a positive career choice.

Advancing up the career plan fills me with excitement and passion to work hard at what I do. It’s a dream come true to be able to help others achieve success and steer them towards a happier, fulfilling life. Being part of a huge family constantly encouraging me to achieve my goals and support me in my journey is such an honour. 

I can earn up to £120 of free products a month plus up to an extra 5% commission (10% to managers and above) on sales. Spa weekends and retreats, seasonal bundles, holidays around the world such as Singapore, dinners out – the benefits of working for such a generous brand really pay off. 

We don’t cold message, we don’t harass. We promote our ethically focused brand of over 25 years in business, well established in the beauty market with an already huge client fan base. Therefore as Body Shop ambassadors, our mission is to promote a morally grounded company, campaigning for equal rights for all. It’s a dream job I am grateful for everyday. Thanks TBSAH! 

Written by Zoe Butters for Naomi Cooper.

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